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This old farmhouse situated on the hills of Romagna is the place where Roberto Giordani lives and works and where he came up with the project for the institution of an association, involving artists of backgrounds and artistic experience different from his own.

The purpose of the association is to develop and spread the knowledge in possession of the artists in their respective disciplines.

The association intends to achieve this objective through structured training courses, providing students with the technical and practical elements directly through the realization of works and products of various artistic kind inside the workshop.

The courses are addressed to those who wish to enrich, enhance and share their cultural and professional knowledge, in particular, to students and teachers of vocational schools, art institutes, academies and universities who want to complete their training with practical experience of  research and innovation.
For this purpose we also carry out specific internships, individual or in group .

The artists who have given life to this project, share the love for art in all its many forms and are pleased to welcome students, amateurs or professionals who want to participate in their passionate pursuit of beauty with seriousness and dedication.

There is a saying that goes “learn art and put it aside” (meaning to learn the skill, you'll never know when you might need it).
We would like to fix it and to advise you to learn art and immediately put it into practice concretely and with passion, initially with a good guide on the side because, even if you won’t be able to create an artistic work at once, it will always be a unique work: yours.

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